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Paris terrorist attacks: What to do if you’re affected

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On the evening of the 13th November 2015, the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) changed their advice regarding France‎, ‎following the terrorist attacks in Paris.

Paris is currently locked down and Disneyland Paris has been closed.

If you’re currently in France, please contact your holiday company as soon as possible as they should be able to help make arrangements for you to return home.

If you have booked a holiday to Paris that is due to depart very soon, please contact your holiday company as soon as you can as they should be able to either rearrange your holiday for another time or offer you a full refund. If you have a travel insurance policy with us, we can change this to cover your new holiday providing the new trip is within three months of your original departure date, is for the same (or no longer) duration, and is to the same geographical area. If your trip is cancelled and you are being fully refunded by your holiday company and so have no claim to make under this insurance, we will also consider the cancellation and refund of your existing policy. Please note that this will only apply to single trip policies for specific trips covering the dates concerned.

We have also updated the advice regarding what cover we can offer you if you’re currently in France below (updates in brackets):

  • Medical expenses – Any medical claims arising as a result of any attacks are fully covered under the policy terms and conditions
  • Repatriation – Both holiday companies and the British government are looking to repatriate those in France. If, for any reason, you’re unable to be repatriated by either of these then we will provide cover for this in line with your medical needs
  • Cutting short your trip – If you have chosen to end your holiday and no refund is available from your holiday company, then we will refund up to £1,000 per person for the cost of your lost holiday upon receipt of clarification from your holiday company as to why they will not reimburse this to you. This is extra cover that is not detailed in the policy terms and conditions, therefore the limits set out in the policy booklet do not apply in this case. If you are currently in France and have made independent arrangements (i.e. do not have a holiday company that can assist you with extended accommodation costs that you need to incur after your planned return date), we will allow claims to be submitted under this section on a room-only basis, within the £1,000 limit provided, to assist you with these costs that you cannot get back from any other source
  • Cancellation – If you’re cancelling a holiday to Paris, in the first instance, you should speak to your holiday company, as most are offering a full refund/change of destination. However, if you find that these are not available to you, we will look at these on a case-by-case basis and will, again, be subject to clarification from your holiday company as to why this will not be refunded
  • Travel delay – If you have travel delay cover, this will be covered for delays over 12 hours in line with the benefit on the policy (please note that if you are in Paris, you can claim additional room-only hotel costs, or travel delay, but not both)
  • Baggage claims – Any baggage claim associated with this incident will be considered. If any delay or loss occurs if the government arranges for its return, claims should initially be submitted to that government authority before being submitted to us for consideration

Cover under your policy will automatically extend if you’re unable to return home as planned.

Please note that our advice remains valid until further notice.

If you have any queries, please get in touch with us.

British Embassy in Paris – 35 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honore, 75008. Phone: +33 (1) 44 51 31 00

FCDO number for those with relatives in France – 0207 008 0000