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Is it safe to drink tap water in Spain?

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Spain, a beautiful part of mainland Europe, sees around 100 million international visitors a year
With responsible tourism gaining in popularity, questions like ‘is it safe to drink the tap water?’ matter when it comes to reducing plastic pollution and keeping the beaches pristine. So, is tap water in  Spain drinkable? 

Can you drink tap water in Spain?

Yes, you can. Most of the tap water in Spain is drinkable. It’s of a particularly high quality – even for mainland Europe, where regulations afford the population protection. Drinking water quality is measured as part of the annual Environmental Performance Index (EPI). According to this index, Spain achieved a score of 93.6, which indicates it is very safe to drink.

Scenic Wailua Falls waterfall

Why would people not drink tap water in Spain?

Sometimes, people choose not to drink tap water. Whether ordering bottled water at a restaurant or choosing bottled options from the supermarket, people do this because of concerns over what they’re drinking. Concerns over microplastics in the water, contaminated water, or even concerns over bacteria and/or parasites can lead many people to choose the safety of filtered bottled water over tap.

Recently, droughts in Spain have impacted water quality and availability. Sometimes, to preserve particular water sources and not overburden the public system, people may choose to drink bottled water or to at least have some to hand in case of an emergency.

Do locals drink tap water in Spain?

Sometimes, locals prefer to drink bottled water for the taste. Although the water is safe, in some areas like Barcelona, the water can taste of chlorine or can leave a metallic, minerally aftertaste. Although this isn’t harmful and is likely due to a combination of ageing infrastructure, high mineral content and sanitation, people may choose bottled water as a preference.

When shouldn’t you drink tap water in Spain?

If the area you’re in is experiencing a drought, you may find it reassuring to drink bottled water instead. In 2024, Catalonia and Andalusia were particularly hard hit. You may also prefer bottled water if you’re in an area with a high mineral content that affects taste, like in Barcelona.

Frequently asked questions

Is it okay to clean your teeth using tap water in Spain?

Yes. You can clean your teeth with tap water. To save water, it’s advised to turn the tap off when you’re not directly washing your brush and to be quite sparing about the amount you use, especially if you’re in an area affected by drought.

Is the ice safe in Spain?

Yes, the ice is safe in Spain. You can choose to make ice from bottled water if you prefer, but you’ll find the ice in most places is made using regular tap water.

Can you drink the tap water in Barcelona?

You can, although this is one of the areas in Spain with a high mineral content. It can taste earthy or metallic, sometimes leaving a mildly unpleasant aftertaste. It isn’t harmful, but for preference, many people choose to drink bottled water instead.

Can you drink the tap water in Madrid?

Madrid has the lowest consumption of bottled water amongst locals, and the quality of their tap water is amongst the highest in Spain.

Can you drink hotel tap water in Spain?

You can. It’s safe to ask for tap water in a hotel in Spain or to just drink from the taps in your room according to Yale University Environmental Performance Index

Can you drink Airbnb tap water in Spain?

You can. If you’re staying in an Airbnb in an area with a drought or where the mineral content of the water is high, you may prefer to drink bottled water or even just have some to hand in case of an emergency.

Can you drink water from drinking fountains in Spain?

Drinking from public fountains comes with risks – usually around the cleanliness of the fountain and water spout as opposed to the quality of the water. If you’re comfortable drinking from a public fountain or using one to refill a water bottle, you will find the water safe to drink in Spain.  

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